Founded in 1834, the Faculty of Science originally included only the following courses: algebra, astronomy, geometry and trigonometry, chemistry, physics, geology, botany, zoology and comparative anatomy.


Among the many courses that were set up, it should be noted:
  • the degree in actuarial sciences (1945)
  • special degrees in geophysical sciences (1952),
  • in theoretical physics (1958),
  • in radiobiology (1961),
  • in molecular biology and biotechnology ( 1962),
  • the PhD programme agricultural sciences (1965),
  • the certificate of advanced studies in mathematics (1968),
  • the de degrees in computer sciences (1971),
  • the grades of agronomist (1974)
  • and chemical and agricultural industries engineer (biochemist and food industries engineer) (1977) (jointly organised with the Faculty of Applied Sciences),
  • the PhD programme in computer Science (1975),
  • the inter-university degree in applied geography (1978),
  • the special degree in applied chemistry (1979)
  • the advanced certificate in computer science (1982),
  • the First Year university studies in Science (1989).

From 1995 onwards, through the application of the Decree on the university studies system and academic grades of September, the 5ft 1994, the titles of 3rd cycles degrees became: «Diplômes d’études complémentaires», «Diplômes d’études spécialisées», and "Diplômes d'études approfondies".


From this period date the new creations such as :

  • the first multidisciplinary candidacy in Science (1996),
  • the DEA in Mathematics (Interuniversity) (1996),
  • DEA in Computer Science (Interuniversity) (1996),
  • the Master degree in Computer Science (1999)
  • the DEA in sciences (2000).

Since the 2004 Bologna decree, the first 3 years of Bachelor are followed by two years of Master in the following areas: Mathematical Sciences, Actuarial Sciences, Statistics, Bioinformatics and Modelling, Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biology of organisms and ecology, Geographic Sciences, Geological Sciences, Bioengineering, Environment Science and Management, TourismScience and Management.

Some of these degrees are taught entirely in English (Master in Computer Science, Euromaster in Urban Studies « 4-Cities »), and other partially in English (Bioinformatics and Modelling, Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology Professional - Specialisation in Molecular Pathophysiology, and the Chemical Sciences - Specialisation Materials Science).

Updated on January 17, 2019