Student Associations

An estimate of sixty student associations (interfaculty, faculty's, regional, political, etc.) are recognized each year by the ULB board of directors account for a large part of the animation that take place at the university, such as: baptisms, manifestations, cultural or folkloric events, political debates, conferences and cinema screenings,

The Student Associations of the Faculty of Sciences offer cultural activities, numerous parties (TD, ball, etc.), sporting events or even visits and trips. They are also at the origin of several initiatives such as the ULB 10km race, the Brussels Science Film Festival, the Employment Forum...

The Faculty of Sciences' Bureau

The Faculty of Sciences Bureau (BES) informs students (registrations, social aids, rules,...) , coordonates and supports the union delegates who represent students in the various councils and commissions. The BES also makes it possible to relay the voice of all those who wish to express their opinion.

Updated on January 20, 2025