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The Physics Department
Physicists probe the world and create new knowledge through experience and reasoning. To achieve this, their training must not only enable them to master mathematical and IT tools, but also to develop their creativity and capacity for innovation. This will enable them to develop new methods and tools for solving current and future problems, with rigor and efficiency.
Physics training and the skills it develops should enable students to become operational in fields ranging from medicine to finance, from basic to applied sciences.
The physical sciences are an exciting field, requiring autonomy and determination.
Brussels has had close ties with physics for almost a century, through the Solvay Councils, created in 1911. Today, the ULB Physics Department is still home to the management of the Solvay International Institutes of Physics and Chemistry, which host internationally renowned speakers and events throughout the year.
Department members
Pr. : Professeur, Pr.O. : Professeur Ordinaire, Ch.C. : Chargé de Cours, Pr.A. : Professeur Assistant, Di.R. : Directeur de Recherches, Ma.R.: Maître de Recherches, Ch.Q. : Chercheur Qualifié
- Academic Body of the Physics Department
AGUILAR SANCHEZ Juan Antonio, Ch.C., juan.antonio.aguilar.sanchez@ulb.be
ARGURIO Riccardo, Di.R., CP 231, riccardo.argurio@ulb.be
BARNICH Glenn, Pr.O., CP 231, glenn.barnich@ulb.be
CHAMEL Nicolas, Ma.R., CP 226, nicolas.chamel@ulb.be
CLEMMEN Stephane, Ch.Q., CP 224, stephane.clemmen@ulb.be
CLERBAUX Barbara, Pr.O., CP 230, barbara.clerbaux@ulb.be
CLESSE Sébastien, Ch.C., CP 225, sebastien.clesse@ulb.be
COLLINUCI Andrès, Ma.R., CP 231, giulio.collinucci@ulb.be
COMPÈRE Geoffrey, Ma.R., CP 231, geoffrey.compere@ulb.be
DE LENTDECKER Gilles, Di.R., CP 230, Dgilles.de.lentdecker@ulb.be
DETOURNAY Stéphane, Ma.R., CP 231, stephane.detournay@ulb.be
FAVART Laurent, Di.R., CP 230, laurent.favart@ulb.be
FERRARI Frank, Pr., CP 231, frank.ferrari@ulb.be
GASPARD Pierre, Pr.O., CP 231, gaspard.pierre@ulb.be
GILBERT Thomas, Ch.Q., CP 231, thomas.gilbert@ulb.be
GOLDMAN Nathan, Pr., CP 231, Gnathan.goldman@ulb.be
GORIELY Stephane, Ch.Q., CP 226, stephane.goriely@ulb.be
HAMBYE Thomas, Di.R., CP 225, thomas.hambye@ulb.be
JORISSEN Alain, Pr., CP 226, alain.jorissen@ulb.be
KNAEPEN Bernard, Pr., CP 231, bernard.knaepen@ulb.be
KOZYREFF Gregory, Ch.Q., CP 231, gregory.kozyreff@ulb.be
LOPEZ HONOREZ Laura, Ch.Q., CP 225, laura.lopez.honorez@ulb.be
LOSADA PEREZ Patricia Maria, Ch.C., CP 223, patricia.maria.losada.perez@ulb.be
MARIS Ioana, Ch.C., CP 230, ioana.maris@ulb.be
MASSAR Serge, Pr.O., CP 224, serge.massar@ulb.be
MOGNETTI Bortolo Matteo, Pr., CP 231, bortolo.matteo.mognetti@ulb.be
NAPOLITANO Simone, Pr., CP 223, simone.napolitano@ulb.be
PIRONIO Stefano, Di.R., CP 224, stefano.pironio@ulb.be
RYSSENS Wouter, Ch.Q., CP 226, wouter.ryssens@ulb.be
SFERRAZZA Michele, Pr., CP 223, michele.sferrazza@ulb.be
SIESS Lionel, Ma.R., CP 226, lionel.siess@ulb.be
TERWAGNE Denis, Ch.C., CP 223, denis.terwagne@ulb.be
THOMAS Laurent, CH.Q., CP 230, laurent.thomas@ulb.be
TINIAKOV Petr, Pr.O, CP 225, petr.tiniakov@ulb.be
TLIDI Mustapha, Di.R., CP 231, mustapha.tlidi@ulb.be
TOSCANO Simona, Ch.Q., CP 230, simona.toscano@ulb.be
TYTGAT Michel, Di.R., CP 225, michel.tytgat@ulb.be
VANDERSTRAETEN Laurens, Ch.C., CP 231, laurens.vanderstraeten@ulb.be
VAN ECK Sophie, Pr.O., CP 226, sophie.van.eck@ulb.be
VANLAER Pascal, Pr., CP 230, pascal.vanlaer@ulb.be - Emeritus and invited professors
BOON Jean-Pierre, CP 231, jean-pierre.boon@ulb.be
BRENIG Léon, CP 231, leon.brenig@ulb.be
COLOT Jean-Louis, CP 238, jean-louis.colot@ulb.be
DERUELLE Nathalie, CP 231, nathalie.deruelle@ulb.be
DESCOUVEMONT Pierre, CP 229, pierre.descouvemont@ulb.be
ERNEUX Thomas, CP 231, thomas.erneux@ulb.be
FRERE Jean-Marie, CP 225, jean-marie.frere@ulb.be
HENNEAUX Marc, CP 231, marc.henneaux@ulb.be
LECLERQ WILLAIN Christiane, CP 229, christiane.leclercq.willain@ulb.be
LEFEVER René, CP 231, rene.lefever@ulb.be
NARDONE Pasquale, CP 224, pasquale.nardone@ulb.be
QUESNE, Christiane, CP 229, christiane.quesne@ulb.be
ROOMAN Marianne, CP 165/61, marianne.rooman@ulb.be
SPINDEL, Philippe, CP 225, philippe.spindel@ulb.b
VANDER VELDE Catherine, CP 230, catherine.vander.velde@ulb.be
WALLENBORN Jean, CP 231, jean.wallenborn@ulb.be - Representatives of the administrative and technical staff
VANTIGHEM Delphine (Effective), CP 231, delphine.vantighem@ulb.be
DE NEYN Fabienne (Suppléante), CP 231, fabienne.de.neyn@ulb.be - Non-permanent scientist representatives
KOSTET Bilal, CP 238, bilal.kostet@ulb.be
POSTIAU Nicolas, CP 230,
ALLARD Yannick, CP 230, yannick.allard@ulb.be
NAEGELS Daniel, CP 231,
VANDEN BEMBEN Max, CP 230, max.vanden.bemden@ulb.be - Student representatives
- (BA1) RUAULT Rémi, e-mail: remi.ruault@ulb.be
(BA1) SHRIKI Eden, e-mail: eden.shriki@ulb.be (suppléant)
(BA2) En attente
(BA2) En attente
(BA3) HOUZÉ Oscar, e-mail: oscar.houze@ulb.be
(BA3) En attente
(MA1) En attente
(MA2) DESCHAUX-BEAUME Siméon, e-mail: simeon.deschaux-beaume@ulb.be - Invited members
SPARENBERG Jean-Marc,Service de Physique Quantique, CP229, jean-marc.sparenberg@ulb.be
DE MOL Christine, Dpt. Math., CP 217, christine.de.mol@ulb.be
GODEFROID Michel, Dpt. Chim., CP 160/09, michel.godefroid@ulb.be
Physics Experimentarium
The Experimentarium presents a large collection of installations illustrating physics for schools and adult groups. Accompanied by an animator, visitors can explore the main themes and fields of physics in an entertaining and spectacular way.
ULB's Astronomical Dome
Between September and March, the ULB Astrophysics Institute organizes sky observation evenings in the ULB astronomical dome. Visitors can put their eye to the telescope and admire the wonders of the sky. ULB astronomers will provide information and explanations about the objects observed.